Clients and Control Programs

The OCS Client (“Client”) is used to command and control a corresponding OCS Agent (“Agent”). Conceptually, this is the piece of OCS that connects to the crossbar server and makes the “remote procedure call” to an Agent. Multiple Clients can be used to orchestrate an observatory within a Control Program (“program” or “script”).

While there are other options for how a Client could be implemented, the focus of this documentation will be on using the OCSClient object within a script. Other options are discussed below.


The OCSClient (the object, not the concept of “Client”) is the primary method for interaction with an Agent. An OCSClient object provides the Agent’s Operation methods as attributes (replacing spaces and hyphens in Operation names if they exist). The OCSClient requires the Agent’s instance-id as an argument. An OCSClient can be quickly setup using ocs-client-cli.

Basic Usage

To instantiate an OCSClient run (replacing ‘agent-instance-id’ with your Agent’s unique instance-id):

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient
client = OCSClient('agent-instance-id')

The returned object, client, is populated with attributes for each Task and Process (referred to generally “Operation”) exposed by the OCS Agent with the specified agent-instance-id. Each of these attributes has a set of methods associated with them for controlling the Operation. The methods for running an Agent’s Operations are described in Agent Operations: Tasks and Processes. They are “start”, “status”, “wait”, “stop” (Process only) and “abort” (Task only).

Once the Client is instantiated, Operations can be commanded, for example, to start a Process called ‘acq’ (a common Process name for beginning data acquisition):

>>> client.acq.start()
OCSReply: OK : Started process "acq".
  acq[session=7]; status=starting for 0.007544 s
  messages (1 of 1):
    1635817216.260 Status is now "starting".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

Once a Process is started, it will run until stopped. To stop the ‘acq’ Process run:

>>> client.acq.stop()
OCSReply: OK : Requested stop on process "acq".
  acq[session=7]; status=running for 3.5 s
  messages (2 of 2):
    1635817216.260 Status is now "starting".
    1635817216.262 Status is now "running".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

We can check that the Process has stopped by then calling “status”:

>>> client.acq.status()
OCSReply: OK : Session active.
  acq[session=7]; status=done without error 3.5 s ago, took 4.0 s
  messages (5 of 5):
    1635817216.260 Status is now "starting".
    1635817216.262 Status is now "running".
    1635817219.756 Status is now "stopping".
    1635817220.264 Acquisition exited cleanly.
    1635817220.265 Status is now "done".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

When an Operation method is called in a Client the call returns immediately. However, you might want to wait for a Task to complete before proceeding. This can be accomplished with the “wait” method:

>>> client.delay_task.start(delay=1)
OCSReply: OK : Started task "delay_task".
  delay_task[session=6]; status=starting for 0.007555 s
  messages (1 of 1):
    1635791278.562 Status is now "starting".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data
>>> client.delay_task.wait()
OCSReply: OK : Operation "delay_task" is currently not running (SUCCEEDED).
  delay_task[session=6]; status=done without error 0.007504 s ago, took 1.0 s
  messages (4 of 4):
    1635791278.562 Status is now "starting".
    1635791278.563 Status is now "running".
    1635791279.566 Exited after 1.0 seconds
    1635791279.567 Status is now "done".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

A shortcut for this “start” and then “wait” is to call the Task directly:

>>> client.delay_task(delay=1)

This starts the Task and then immediately waits for it to complete (assuming the task starts successfully), equivalent to:

response = client.delay_task.start(delay=1)
if response[0] == ocs.OK:

Direct calls to a Process behave a bit differently, acting as an alias to “status”, making these two calls identical:

>>> client.acq.status()
>>> client.acq()

The response given by any of these Operation method calls is an ocs.ocs_client.OCSReply object. For more details see Replies from Operation methods.

Passing Arguments to an Operation

If an Operation has any arguments to provide at start, they can be passed as you would typically pass keyword arguments in Python. For example, to pass a delay of 1 second to the Fake Data Agent Task “delay_task”:

>>> client.delay_task.start(delay=1)
OCSReply: OK : Started task "delay_task".
  delay_task[session=4]; status=starting for 0.008681 s
  messages (1 of 1):
    1635790951.261 Status is now "starting".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

Arguments can also be passed to a direct call of the Task:

>>> client.delay_task(delay=1)

You can of course use ** to unpack a dict containing the required keyword arguments. For example:

>>> arguments = {'arg1': 1, 'arg2': 2, 'arg3': 3}
>>> client.task(**arguments)

This is equivalent to:

>>> client.task(arg1=1, arg2=2, arg3=3)

Replies from Operation methods

Responses obtained from OCSClient calls are lightly wrapped by class ocs.ocs_client.OCSReply so that __repr__ produces a nicely formatted description of the result. For example:

>>> response = client.delay_task.status()
>>> print(response)
OCSReply: OK : Session active.
  delay_task[session=6]; status=done without error 76.4 mins ago, took 1.0 s
  messages (4 of 4):
    1635791278.562 Status is now "starting".
    1635791278.563 Status is now "running".
    1635791279.566 Exited after 1.0 seconds
    1635791279.567 Status is now "done".
  other keys in .session: op_code, data

OCSReply is a namedtuple. The elements of the tuple are:


An integer value equal to ocs.OK, ocs.ERROR, or ocs.TIMEOUT (see ocs.base.ResponseCode).


Short for “message”, a string providing a brief description of the result (this is normally pretty boring for successful calls, but might contain a helpful tip in the case of errors.)


The session portion of the reply is dictionary containing useful information, such as timestamps for the Operation’s start and end, a success code, and a custom data structure populated by the Agent.

The information can be accessed through the OCSReply, for example:

>>> response = client.acq.status()
>>> response.session['start_time']

For more information on the contents of .session, see the docstring for ocs.ocs_agent.OpSession.encoded() and the Data Access section on


This section contains some examples for what you might want to accomplish with a control program. Examples here do not show use of actual OCS Agents, but should demonstrate proper use of the OCSClient API.

Check Whether a Task Completed Successfully or Not

The OCSReply session dictionary can be used to check for successful completion of a Task:

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient

client = OCSClient('agent-instance-id')
response = client.random_task()

# Will be True or False depending on successful completion
if response.session['success']:
    print('Task completed successfully')
    print('Task did not complete successfully')

Check Health of a Process

Usually it’s good when a Process is still running, but some Processes will also mark themselves as “degraded” if there is some non-fatal problem that means the acquisition or control is not occurring:

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient

client = OCSClient('agent-instance-id')

status = client.some_process()

if response.session['success'] is None:
    if response.session['degraded']:
        print('Process is running, but in a degraded state.')
        print('Process is running (and does not report degraded state).')
elif response.session['success']:
    print('Process exited without error')
    print('Process exited with error')

Check Latest Data in an Operation

If an Operation makes use of, a control program can check this through the Client and react accordingly:

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient

client = OCSClient('agent-instance-id')
response = client.random_task()



The format of response.session['data'] is left to the Agent author. For details on the format for a given Operation, see the Agent’s reference page.

For more details about see

Interacting with Multiple Agents

A control program can interact with multiple Agents by settings up multiple OCSClients:

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient

client1 = OCSClient('agent-instance-id-1')
client2 = OCSClient('agent-instance-id-2')

# Start acquisition on client 1 and start a task on client 2

A more useful example might be a program that interacts with a temperature controller and detector readout:

from ocs.ocs_client import OCSClient

temperature_client = OCSClient('temperature-controller-agent')
detector_client = OCSClient('detector-agent')

temperatures = [100e-3, 110e-3, 120e-3, 130e-3, 140e-3, 150e-3, 160e-3]

for t in temperatures:
    # Stop data acquisition if it is running

    # Set servo

    # Start data acquisition

    # Check temperature in
    response = temperature_client.acq()

    current_temperature = response.session['data']['Channel 01']

    # insert check of temperature stability with repeated checks of
    # response.session['data'] here, proceeding once stable

    # Run detector measurement

# Reset servo to lowest temperature once done

Alternative Clients/Programs

OCSClient is not the only form a “Client” could take. Clients can be written in any language supported by crossbar, however most commonly these will be written in Python or JavaScript. In this section we cover some of these alternative Client implementations.

ocs-web control panels

A web-based graphical user interface, written in the Vue 3 framework, is maintained here: . Specialized control panels can be written for each Agent to expose some or all of an Agent’s operations and session data.

Control Programs using Twisted


Unless you are familiar with Twisted, and know you need an asynchronous control program, you probably are looking for OCSClient.

If an asynchronous program containing one or more Clients is required, one can be implemented using Twisted and ocs.client_t.run_control_script(). This is the case if you want to command one Agent from another Agent, since Agents are written using Twisted.

While OCSClient connects to the crossbar server using HTTP, control programs using Twisted connect via websockets. When writing a program using Clients that support Twisted, authors will need to consider their asynchronous paradigm. When writing a script with the ocs.client_t module, typically we will define a function and then run it using ocs.client_t.run_control_script(). The general form of our program will be something like:

import ocs
from ocs import client_t, site_config

def my_client_function(app, pargs):
    # Definition and use of Agent Tasks + Processes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = site_config.add_arguments()
    parser.add_argument('--target', default="thermo1")
    client_t.run_control_script(my_client_function, parser=parser)

The part we need to write is the body of my_client_function.

To start, each Agent action needs to be defined in a Client before being used. To do so we need to know what address to reach our Agent at:

def my_client_function(app, pargs):
    root = 'observatory'

    # Register addresses and operations
    therm_instance =
    therm_address = '{}.{}'.format(root, therm_instance)
    therm_ops = {
        'init': client_t.TaskClient(app, therm_address, 'init_lakeshore'),
        'acq': client_t.ProcessClient(app, therm_address, 'acq')

In this code block we define the root of our address space, which by default is ‘observatory’. We combine this along with the target defined in to form our address. This target will be the Agent’s “instance-id”. We’re considering a thermometry control system (either the Lakeshore 240 or Lakeshore 372) in this example, hence the prefix ‘therm’.

We define a dictionary, therm_ops, with each of our Agent Tasks and Processes, in this case, just one of each. The final argument in both client_t.TaskClient and client_t.ProcessClient must match the Task and Process names registered by the Agent. In this case “init_lakeshore” sets up the communication with the Lakeshore device, and “acq” begins data acquisition.

To interact with a task we use the keywords “start”, “wait”, “status”, “abort”, and “stop”. And since this program runs asynchronously we need to use the Python keyword “yield”:

yield therm_ops['init'].start()
yield therm_ops['init'].wait()
yield client_t.dsleep(.05)

This will start the “init_lakeshore” task, then wait 0.05 seconds.


Note the use of client_t.dsleep(), not the common time.sleep(). time.sleep() will “block”, disrupting our asynchronous paradigm. For more information on this and other subtleties to asynchronous programming, see the autobahn Documentation.

When calling a Process, we just use “start”:

print("Starting Data Acquisition")
yield therm_ops['acq'].start()

This will continue running until we command it to stop. Our full Control Program looks like:

import ocs
from ocs import client_t, site_config

def my_client_function(app, pargs):
    root = 'observatory'

    # Register addresses and operations
    therm_instance =
    therm_address = '{}.{}'.format(root, therm_instance)
    therm_ops = {
        'init': client_t.TaskClient(app, therm_address, 'init_lakeshore'),
        'acq': client_t.ProcessClient(app, therm_address, 'acq')

    yield therm_ops['init'].start()
    yield therm_ops['init'].wait()
    yield client_t.dsleep(.05)

    print("Starting Data Acquisition")
    yield therm_ops['acq'].start()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = site_config.add_arguments()
    parser.add_argument('--target', default="thermo1")
    client_t.run_control_script(my_client_function, parser=parser)