Source code for ocs.site_config

import ocs

import shutil
import socket
import os
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
import collections
import deprecation

[docs] class SiteConfig: def __init__(self): self.hosts = {} self.hub = None self.source_file = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Args: data: The configuration dictionary. The configuration dictionary should have the following elements: ``hub`` (required) Describes what WAMP server and realm Agents and Clients should use. ``hosts`` (required) A dictionary of HostConfig descriptions. The keys in this dictionary can be real host names on the network, pseudo-host names, or the special value "localhost". A HostConfig marked for "localhost" will match any host that does not have an exact match in the hosts dictionary. This should normally be used only in single-host test systems or examples. Client programs will normally (i.e., by default) try to load the HostConfig associated with the system hostname (that which is returned by socket.gethostname()). But this can be overridden easily, for example by using the ``--site-host`` command line argument. It is thus quite reasonable to use the hosts dictionary to hold a set of useful configurations indexed by a user-specified string (a pseudo-host). """ self = cls() hosts = data.get('hosts') if hosts: for k, v in hosts.items(): assert (k not in self.hosts) # duplicate host name in config file! self.hosts[k] = HostConfig.from_dict(v, parent=self, name=k) self.hub = HubConfig.from_dict(data['hub'], parent=self) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, filename): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) with open(filename) as f: data = yaml.safe_load(f) self = cls.from_dict(data) self.source_file = filename return self
[docs] class HostConfig: def __init__(self, name=None): self.instances = [] = name self.agent_paths = [] self.log_dir = None self.working_dir = os.getcwd() self.crossbar_timeout = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, parent=None, name=None): """Args: data: The configuration dictionary. parent: the SiteConfig from which this data was extracted (this is stored as self.parent, but not used). The configuration dictionary should have the following elements: ``agent-instances`` (required) A list of AgentConfig descriptions. ``agent-paths`` (optional) A list of additional paths where OCS is permitted to search for Agent plugin modules. ``crossbar`` (optional) Settings to assist with starting / stopping / monitoring a crossbar server running on this host. There is a single crossbar server for an OCS network and thus this entry should be defined for at most one of the hosts in the site config file. Note that setting this to None (or null) will disable host crossbar control, while setting it to an empty dictionary, {}, will enable local host crossbar control with default settings. ``log-dir`` (optional) Path at which to write log files. Relative paths will be interpreted relative to the "working directory"; see --working-dir command line option. """ self = cls(name=name) self.parent = parent = data self.instances = data['agent-instances'] self.agent_paths = data.get('agent-paths', []) self.crossbar = CrossbarConfig.from_dict(data.get('crossbar')) self.log_dir = data.get('log-dir', None) self.crossbar_timeout = data.get('crossbar_timeout', 10) return self
[docs] class CrossbarConfig:
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, parent=None): """Args: data: The configuration dictionary, or None. parent: the HostConfig from which this data was extracted (this is stored as self.parent, but not used). The configuration dictionary should have the following elements: ``config-dir`` (optional): Location of crossbar config.json; this gets passed to ``--cbdir``, if specified.. ``bin`` (optional): The path to the crossbar executable. This defaults to shutil.which('crossbar'). If data is None, returns None. Otherwise returns a CrossbarConfig object. """ if data is None: return None self = cls() self.parent = parent self.binary = data.get('bin', shutil.which('crossbar')) self.cbdir = data.get('config-dir') if self.cbdir is None: self.cbdir_args = [] else: self.cbdir_args = ['--cbdir', self.cbdir] return self
[docs] def get_cmd(self, cmd): if self.binary is None: raise RuntimeError("Crossbar binary could not be found in PATH; " "specify the binary in site_config?") if not os.path.exists(self.binary): raise RuntimeError("The crossbar binary specified in site_config " "does not seem to exist: %s" % self.binary) return [self.binary, cmd] + self.cbdir_args
[docs] def summary(self): return summarize_dict({ 'bin': self.binary, 'config-dir': self.cbdir, })
[docs] class HubConfig:
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, parent=None): """Args: data: The configuration dictionary. parent: the SiteConfig from which this data was extracted (this is stored as self.parent, but not used). The configuration dictionary should have the following elements: ``wamp_server`` (required): URL to the WAMP router's websocket access point for ocs. E.g., ``ws://host-2:8001/ws``. WAMP routers can have multiple access points, with different protocols, security layers, and permissions. (Command line override: ``--site-hub``.) ``wamp_http`` (optional): URL to the WAMP router's http bridge interface. This is the best interface for simple clients to use. E.g., ``http://host-2:8001/call``. ``wamp_realm`` (required): The WAMP realm to use. WAMP clients operating in a particular realm are isolated from clients connected to other realms. Example and test code will often use ``debug_realm`` here. (Command line override: ``--site-realm``.) ``address_root`` (required): The base address to be used by all OCS Agents. This is normally something simple like ``observatory`` or ``detlab``. (Command line override: ``--address-root``.) """ self = cls() self.parent = parent = data return self
[docs] def summary(self): return summarize_dict(
[docs] class InstanceConfig: _MANAGE_MAP = { # Fundamental states 'host/up': 'host/up', 'host/down': 'host/down', 'docker/up': 'docker/up', 'docker/down': 'docker/down', 'ignore': 'ignore', # Aliases for deprecated yes / no. 'yes': 'host/up', 'no': 'ignore', # Non-deprecated aliases. 'docker': 'docker/up', 'host': 'host/up', 'up': 'host/up', 'down': 'host/down', # Default. None: 'host/up', } def __init__(self): self.arguments = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, parent=None): """Args: data: The configuration dictionary. parent: the HostConfig from which this data was extracted (this is stored as self.parent, but not used). The configuration dictionary should have the following elements: ``instance-id`` (str, required) This string is used to set the Agent instance's base address. This may also be matched against the instance-id provided by the Agent instance, as a way of finding the right InstanceConfig. ``agent-class`` (str, optional) Name of the Agent class. This may be matched against the agent_class name provided by the Agent instance, as a way of finding the right InstanceConfig. ``arguments`` (list, optional): A list of arguments that should be passed back to the agent. Historically the arguments have been grouped into into key value pairs, e.g. [['--key1', 'value'], ['--key2', 'value']] but these days whatever you passed in gets flattened to a single list (i.e. that is equivalent to ['--key1', 'value', '--key2', 'value']. ``manage`` (str, optional): A string describing how a HostManager should manage this agent. See notes. Notes: The ``manage`` value is only relevant if a HostManager is configured to operate on the host. In that case, the HostManager's treatment of the agent instance depends on the value of ``manage``: - "ignore": HostManager will not attempt to manage the agent instance. - "host/up": HostManager will manage the agent instance, launching it on the host system. On startup, the instance will be set to target_state "up" (i.e. the HostManager will try to start it). - "host/down": like host/up, but HostManager will not start up the agent instance until explicitly requested to do. - "docker/up": HostManager will manage the agent instance through Docker. On Startup, the instance will be set to target_state "up". - "docker/down": Like docker/up, but the instance will be forced to target_state "down" on startup. In earlier versions of OCS, the acceptable values were "yes", "no", and "docker". Those were equivalent to current values of "host/down", "ignore", and "docker/down". Those values are still accepted, but note that "yes" and "docker" are now equivalent to "host/up" and "docker/up". The following abbreviated values are also accepted: - "host": same as "host/up" - "up": same as "host/up" - "down": same as "host/down" """ self = cls() self.parent = parent = data self.arguments ='arguments', []) self.manage ='manage') self.manage = self._MANAGE_MAP.get(self.manage, self.manage) return self
[docs] def summarize_dict(d): output = '\n'.join([' %s: %s,' % (repr(k), repr(v)) for k, v in d.items()]) return '{\n%s\n}' % output
[docs] class ArgContainer: """ A container to store a list of args as a dictionary, with the argument names (beginning with a hyphen) as keys, and list of arguments as values. Any arguments passed before an argument key is put under the '__positional__' key, even though positional arguments aren't really supported by ocs agents or the site-config.... Args: args (list): Argument list (each item should be a single word) Attributes: arg_dict (dict): Dictionary of arguments, indexed by argument keyword. """ def __init__(self, args): self.arg_dict = collections.OrderedDict() cur_key = '__positional__' self.arg_dict[cur_key] = [] def is_new_arg(arg): if arg[0] != '-': return False # Check that first character after '-' is not a digit if not arg.strip('-')[0].isalpha(): return False return True for arg in args: if is_new_arg(arg): cur_key = arg self.arg_dict[cur_key] = [] else: self.arg_dict[cur_key].append(arg)
[docs] def update(self, arg_container2): """ Updates the arg_dict with the arg_dict from another ArgContainer Args: arg_container2 (ArgContainer): The other ArgContainer with which you want to update the arg_dict. """ self.arg_dict.update(arg_container2.arg_dict)
[docs] def to_list(self): """ Returns the argument list representation of this container. """ arg_list = [] for k, v in self.arg_dict.items(): if k != '__positional__': arg_list.append(k) arg_list.extend(v) return arg_list
[docs] def add_arguments(parser=None): """ Add OCS site_config options to an ArgumentParser. Args: parser: an ArgumentParser. If this is None, a new parser is created. Returns: The ArgumentParser that was passed in, or the new one. Arguments include the ``--site-*`` family. See code or online documentation for details. """ # Note that we use sphinxarg.ext to expose the help=... text in # the online sphinx docs. """ ``--site=...`` Instead of the default site, use the configuration for the specified site. The configuration is loaded from ``$OCS_CONFIG_DIR/{site}.yaml``. If --site=none, the site_config facility will not be used at all. ``--site-file=...`` Instead of the default site config, use the specified file. Full path must be specified. ``--site-host=...`` Override the OCS determination of what host this instance is running on, and instead use the configuration for the indicated host. ``--site-hub=...``: Override the ocs hub url (wamp_server). ``--site-http=...``: Override the ocs hub http url (wamp_http). ``--site-realm=...``: Override the ocs hub realm (wamp_realm). ``--instance-id=...``: Look in the SCF for Agent-instance specific configuration options, and use those to launch the Agent. ``--address-root=...``: Override the site default address root. ``--log-dir=...``: Override the host default logging directory. ``--working-dir=...``: Propagate the working directory. ``--crossbar-timeout=...``: Length of time in seconds that the Agent will try to reconnect to the crossbar server before shutting down. """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_argument_group('Site Config Options') group.add_argument('--site', help="Instead of the default site, use the " "configuration for the specified site. The configuration is loaded " "from ``$OCS_CONFIG_DIR/{site}.yaml``. If ``--site=none``, the " "site_config facility will not be used at all.") group.add_argument('--site-file', help="Instead of the default site config, " "use the specified file. Full path must be specified.") group.add_argument('--site-host', help="Override the OCS determination of " "what host this instance is running on, and instead use the " "configuration for the indicated host.") group.add_argument('--site-hub', help="Override the ocs hub url (wamp_server).") group.add_argument('--site-http', help="Override the ocs hub http url (wamp_http).") group.add_argument('--site-realm', help="Override the ocs hub realm (wamp_realm).") group.add_argument('--instance-id', help="Look in the SCF for " "Agent-instance specific configuration options, and use those to launch " "the Agent.") group.add_argument('--address-root', help="Override the site default address root.") group.add_argument('--registry-address', help="Deprecated.") group.add_argument('--log-dir', help="Set the logging directory.") group.add_argument('--working-dir', help="Propagate the working directory.") group.add_argument('--crossbar-timeout', type=int, help="Length of time in seconds " "that the Agent will try to reconnect to the crossbar server before " "shutting down. Note this is set per Agent in an instance's arguments list.") return parser
[docs] def get_config(args, agent_class=None): """ Args: args: The argument object returned by ArgumentParser.parse_args(), or equivalent. It is assumed that all properties defined by "add_arguments" are present in this object. agent_class: Class name passed in to match against the list of device classes in each host's list. Special values accepted for agent_class: - '*control*': do not insist on matching host or device. - '*host*': do not insist on matching device (but do match host). Returns: The tuple (site_config, host_config, device_config). """ if == 'none': return (None, None, None) site_file = args.site_file site = if site_file is None: if site is None: site = 'default' assert (os.getenv('OCS_CONFIG_DIR') is not None) site_file = os.path.join(os.getenv('OCS_CONFIG_DIR'), site + '.yaml') else: assert (site is None) # do not pass both --site and --site-file # Load the site config file. site_config = SiteConfig.from_yaml(site_file) # Matching behavior. no_host_match = (agent_class == '*control*') no_dev_match = no_host_match or (agent_class == '*host*') # Identify our host and update site.hub. host_config = None if args.site_host is not None: host_attempts = [args.site_host, 'localhost'] else: host_attempts = [socket.gethostname(), 'localhost'] for host_try in host_attempts: if host_try in site_config.hosts: host_config = site_config.hosts[host_try] host_update_dict = { k:[k] for k in ['wamp_server', 'wamp_http', 'wamp_realm'] if k in } # Updates host_config with command line args if args.working_dir is not None: host_config.working_dir = args.working_dir if args.log_dir is not None: host_config.log_dir = args.log_dir break else: if not no_host_match: raise KeyError('Site config has no entry in "hosts" for {}' .format(host_attempts)) # Override the WAMP hub? if args.site_hub is not None:['wamp_server'] = args.site_hub if args.site_http is not None:['wamp_http'] = args.site_http # Override the realm? if args.site_realm is not None:['wamp_realm'] = args.site_realm # Identify our agent-instance. instance_config = None if no_dev_match: pass elif args.instance_id is not None: # Find the config for this instance-id. for dev in host_config.instances: if dev['instance-id'] == args.instance_id: instance_config = InstanceConfig.from_dict( dev, parent=host_config) break else: # Use the agent_class to figure it out... for dev in host_config.instances: if dev['agent-class'] == agent_class: if instance_config is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"Multiple matches found for agent-class={agent_class}" " ... you probably need to pass --instance-id=") instance_config = InstanceConfig.from_dict( dev, parent=host_config) if instance_config is None and not no_dev_match: raise RuntimeError("Could not find matching device description.") return collections.namedtuple('SiteConfig', ['site', 'host', 'instance'])(site_config, host_config, instance_config)
[docs] def add_site_attributes(args, site, host=None): """ Adds site and host attributes to namespace if they do not exist. Args: args: namespace to add attributes to. site: Site config object. host: Host config object. """ if args.site_hub is None: args.site_hub =['wamp_server'] if args.site_http is None: args.site_http ='wamp_http') if args.site_realm is None: args.site_realm =['wamp_realm'] if args.address_root is None: args.address_root =['address_root'] if (args.log_dir is None) and (host is not None): args.log_dir = host.log_dir if (args.crossbar_timeout is None) and (host is not None): args.crossbar_timeout = host.crossbar_timeout
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='v0.6.0', details="Use site_config.parse_args instead") def reparse_args(args, agent_class=None): """ THIS FUNCTION IS NOW DEPRECATED... Use the parse_args function instead to parse command line and site-config args simultaneously. Process the site-config arguments, and modify them in place according to the agent-instance's computed instance-id. Args: args: The argument object returned by ArgumentParser.parse_args(), or equivalent. agent_class: Class name passed in to match against the list of device classes in each host's list. Special values accepted for agent_class: - '*control*': do not insist on matching host or device. """ if == 'none': return args site, host, instance = get_config(args, agent_class=agent_class) add_site_attributes(args, site, host=host) if instance is not None: if args.instance_id is None: args.instance_id =['instance-id'] for k, v in['arguments']: kprop = k.lstrip('-').replace('-', '_') print('site_config is setting values of "%s" to "%s".' % (kprop, v)) setattr(args, kprop, v) return args
[docs] def get_control_client(instance_id, site=None, args=None, start=True, client_type='http'): """Instantiate and return a client_http.ControlClient, targeting the specified instance_id. Args: site (SiteConfig): All configuration will be taken from this object, if it is not None. args: Arguments from which to derive the site configuration. If this is None, then the arguments from the command line are parsed through the usual site_config system. If this is a list of strings, then these arguments will be parsed instead of sys.argv[1:]. Note that to use the default configuration (without looking at sys.argv), pass args=[]. It is also permitted to pass a pre-parsed argparse.Namespace object (or similar). start (bool): Determines whether to call .start() on the client before returning it. client_type (str): Select the client type, currently only 'http'. wamp_http address must be known. Note that 'wampy' used to be a supported type, but was dropped in OCS v0.8.0. Returns a ControlClient. """ if site is None: if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if not hasattr(args, 'instance_id'): # If it doesn't have .instance_id, it's not a parsed # Namespace so let's assume it's a list of strings. args = ocs.site_config.parse_args(agent_class='*control*', args=args) site, _, _ = ocs.site_config.get_config(args, '*control*') full_addr = '%s.%s' % (['address_root'], instance_id) if client_type is None: if'wamp_http'): client_type = 'http' else: client_type = 'wampy' if client_type == 'wampy': raise ValueError('client_type %s no longer supported' % client_type) elif client_type == 'http': from ocs import client_http client = client_http.ControlClient( full_addr,['wamp_http'],['wamp_realm']) else: raise ValueError('Unknown client_type request: %s' % client_type) return client
# We'll also keep the Agent script registry here. agent_script_reg = {}
[docs] def register_agent_class(class_name, filename): """Register an Agent script in the site_config registry. Args: class_name (str): The Agent class name, e.g. "HostManager". filename (str): The full path to the script that launches an instance of this Agent class. """ agent_script_reg[class_name] = filename
[docs] def scan_for_agents(do_registration=True): """Identify and import ocs Agent plugin scripts. This will find all modules in the current module search path (sys.path) that begin with the name 'ocs_plugin\\_'. Args: do_registration (bool): If True, the modules are imported, which likely causes them to call register_agent_class on each agent they represent. Returns: The list of discovered module names. """ import pkgutil import importlib items = [] for modinfo in pkgutil.iter_modules(): if'ocs_plugin_'): items.append( if do_registration: importlib.import_module( return items
[docs] def parse_args(agent_class=None, parser=None, args=None): """ Function to parse site-config and agent arguments. This function takes site, host, and instance arguments into account by making sure the instance arguments get passed through the arg_parse parser. This helps make sure units and options are consistent with those defined by the argparse argument, even when the arguments come from the site-config file and not the command line. Args: agent_class (str, optional): Name of the Agent class. This may be matched against the agent_class name provided by the Agent instance, as a way of finding the right InstanceConfig. parser (argparse.ArgumentParser, optional): Argument parser containing agent-specific arguments. If None, an empty parser will be created. args (list of str): Arguments to parse; defaults to sys.argv[1:]. Returns: An argparse.Namespace, as you would get from parser.parse_args(). """ # Creates pre_parser pre_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_arguments(pre_parser) # Full parser if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_arguments(parser) if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # Intercepts help commands to print full usage statement if any(h in args for h in ['-h', '--help']): # Instead of print_help(), trust parse_args() to run resolve # to any sub-parsers and print context-appropriate help. parser.parse_args(args=args) parser.exit() # shouldn't get here. pre_args, _ = pre_parser.parse_known_args(args=args) site, host, instance = get_config(pre_args, agent_class=agent_class) if instance is not None: # When the user omits instance_id, it can still be matched, # through agent_class by the get_config parser. In that case, # copy its value into args. if pre_args.instance_id is None: instance.arguments.append(['--instance-id',['instance-id']]) # Container from command line args cl_container = ArgContainer(args) # Flattens instance arguments to single non-nested list def flatten(container): out = [] for i in container: if isinstance(i, (list, tuple)): out.extend(flatten(i)) else: out.append(i) return out arg_container = ArgContainer([]) if instance is not None: arg_container.update(ArgContainer(map(str, flatten(instance.arguments)))) # Replace site values with command line values if they exist arg_container.update(cl_container) # Parse combined CL + site arguments args = parser.parse_args(args=arg_container.to_list()) # Add site and host attributes to args namespace add_site_attributes(args, site, host=host) # Add agent_class attribute. if not hasattr(args, 'agent_class'): setattr(args, 'agent_class', agent_class) return args